Dust In My Eyes
So I’ve managed to import an old backup of this blog and restore move than 500 entries and about 700 comments. Never realized there was so much here but I guess 600MB sql file should have been a clue.
So as I’m importing the entries and cleaning up old image tags and dead links, I start to read a few of these old posts. I was a hot ass mess during my twenties. But who isn’t? I reminisced, I laughed out loud a few times, my eyes even watered up. With the database issues I was having before, I used it as way to have a clean slate. Everything is about Tumblr and Snapchat, who cares about domain hosted blogs anymore? In the few hours I spent going through comments and posts, I remembered why these are important. Like a photo album, its good to go back and see how you’ve change, grown and mature.
Luckily, I don’t like my keyboard get me in trouble as it did back then.
Little Trophies
This place is a relic, caked in layers of dust, untouched and neglected, almost ruined.
But I could never let it die. Every so often I update a plugin, mark a comment as spam, but there was never a strong draw to come back, knock the cobwebs off and let it know it was loved. I’ve renewed the domain annually, paid monthly for hosting but providing content became a chore. But this was my baby: I’ve always felt a little proud of this site. Bookmarked at the top, a constant reminder of who I was at an interesting time of my life. I put a lot of work into maintaining it, even when I never posted. And so I kept it like a little trophy, just sitting on a shelf.
As turbulent, hectic and maybe… a little fun the life of a twenty-something can be, I figured it was time to let it all go, start fresh and forge forward. I’m now in my thirties and I’m not the same person as I was in my 20s. If I’m not the same why should I hold on to this reminder? Well, I’m not and with a couple of clicks and dropped tables, it was all gone… Time to clear the shelf for new trophies.
First Marvel, Now Lucasfilm
“I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened” – Obi-Wan, Episode One: A New Hope
I guess we all have our price… I know I do LOL.