Why I Love Comics


Imagine that you’re fifteen years old, and you find out that your parents are part of some kind of evil cult, with mad scientists, criminals from the future, evil mutants, and space aliens, that runs the west coast criminal underground. Wanting no part of your parents diabolical plans, you and the children of the other evil members runaway, hoping to stop you parents and maybe survive to go to the prom.

Runaways volume 1 was the sleeper hit of 2004. Phenominal art of Adrian Alphona and dialogue writing by Brian K. Vaughn was a staple of this series for all 12 issues. Now that Runaways volume 2 is out and up to a great start. All I can say is: Robots get more ass then I do!

One Comment

I love this book…Ultron surprised the hell out of me. Now if I can just get into this whole House of M thing….

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