
Playing With My Joystick

Just taking a brief break from the real world, since I’m not getting overtime money, there’s no new episodes of Heroes til late April, there’s an awful smells coming from my couch, Adult Swim is getting kinda stagnant and Chicago weather is being typical Chicago weather (gorgeous one day, completely fucked up the next).

Been playing Hitman: Blood Money and the new God of War 2 which is pretty kiss-ass.Been thinking about doing a video entry but I just lack a good subject. Things like “People Tony Has Pissed Off” comes to mind, but that would be putting too my energy in folks that aren’t that significant. Well I have to finish this Hitman mission where I kill a bunch of folks in a rehab clinic but Ghost in the Shell comes on. Yeah, I need to get laid… badly.

Civil War After Thoughts

Wow, the different a day can make… While the conclusion to Civil War #7 wasn’t bad, it wasn’t too good either. For a title thats been delayed TWICE, it seemed so rushed and so anti-climatic. I wonder if I can get a refund or at least store credit for my soul.

I just reread all 7 issues and while overall the series does has its flaws, its not bad, but it still fails to deliver at the end. Even with conjunction with CW Frontline, we’re given that public opinion kinda supports the Secret Avengers and what they’re doing. Maybe its me but I just don’t think a gang of firefighters and EMTs would just come out and bum-rush Captain America and cry at him like an abused child. I’m not saying one side was more right then the other but Tony Stark deserves some type of comeuppance for the amount of highly questionable things he’s done.

Anyway, take a look at what I got:

Michael Holt aka Mister Terrific II

Is This The End?

Click image for full view – courtesy of PopCultureShock.

With no car and no money I will be getting Civil War #7 tomorrow. Perhaps I should make a deal and sell my soul to Peter Fonda

Comic Book Day

Check out CTRL+ALT+DEL, Tim’s pretty cool for a Mac-hater

The Black Laughing Man

Who says watching television never solves anything. For most of my adult life I’ve had to deal with the fact that I’m not photogenic when it comes to candid shots. I’m either in bad lighting, unintentionally make faces or just a complete hot ass mess. Well I as I was watching some great anime, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, I had an epiphany. In the world of GitS:SAC, people with cybernetic brains & bionic implants are the norm. Other then inciting the cyber punk within, it was modus operandi of The Laughing Man that got me thinking about a solution to my picture issue.

“Laughing Man proves to be the ultimate hacker, capable of such feats as hijacking multiple video streams simultaneously, taking over someone’s cybernetic brain entirely, or even editing his own images out of someone’s cybernetic eyes, and all in real time.”

In other words he’s able to conceal his identity and commit acts of cyber terrorism in public by overlaying his logo over his own face or the faces of his victims. The effect is demonstrated below:


So my thinking was why don’t I apply the same concept to my own pictures? Now I know what you’re thinking; Why don’t you just not use the pictures? Well, in most of the pictures I’m referring to, I’m not in the shot by myself, and everyone looks good by me. I’m the rotten apple. For example, here’s a picture from New Year’s Eve with my frat brothers, and with my intended logo and the results are:


Much better right? So this is my plan, and I’ll be busy this weekend pasting my logo on all the pictures in iPhoto and on Flickr. And if you take this post as anything other then a really bad joke then I know a disposed African Prince who seriously needs help to reclaim lost money. (*Side note* that is a really bad picture of me from New Years Eve, post above. I can’t even begin to tell you how drunk I was that night. Damn you, Unshakable!! And so the orginal will never see the light of day.)